Different Types of Headaches: Explained Types & Symptoms - DrPro

Headaches represent the fifth most prevalent complaint globally and the tenth most prevalent complaint in global healthcare expenditure. Almost every person can say they have suffered at least one headache in their lifetime, yet not all types of headaches are alike. It might be mild, severe, short-term, chronic, or caused by one factor or a combination of them. There are primary types of headaches: ordinary and primary, normal and worse, that may disturb your normative daily routine. This division of headaches will make it easier for you to know what is causing the headache and therefore how to go about it. Alright, let’s take a closer look at the existing type of headaches, their signs, and how the DrPro can help you find the best way of treatment and becoming healthy.

1) Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most widespread of all the headaches. They make you want to want to tie a band around your head tightly. These headaches may be due to stress, poor posture, or after prolonged periods of working in one position. The pain is often described as mild to moderate and generally subsides from several hours to several days. Tension headaches are not associated with underlying diseases; however, they can be relieved by taking fluids, getting some rest, or using a couple of over-the-counter drugs.

  • Spot the Pain: Feels like a tight band around your head, often at the temples or back of the head.
  • Cause: It’s usually caused by stress, bad posture, or clenching your jaw.
  • Treatment: Try over-the-counter painkillers, relaxation techniques, or fixing your posture.

2) Migraine Headaches

Migraiheadachesaree is worse than ten headaches. They are usually accompanied by such additional signs as nausea, vomiting, and photophobia, as well as phonophobia. Migraine duration may range from 4 hours to 72 hours. Migraine causes inlifestylesestyle such as diet and visual disturbances, hormonal influences, and stress. Treating migraines may involve changing certain patterns, using drugs, and perhaps sometimes consulting with service providers such as Wellness DrPro.

  • Spot the Pain: Throbbing pain, usually on one side of the head, along with nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Cause: Could be genetic or triggered by things like hormonal changes, certain foods, or stress.
  • Treatment: Medications like triptans can help, as well as avoiding triggers and finding ways to relax.

3) Sinus Headaches

Sinus headache occurs when the sinuses become swollen usually as a result of allergy or an infection. These headaches are experienced around the forehead, eyes, and cheeks. You may also suffer from a blocked nose and have a runny nose. If the sinus problem is effectively managed, the headache normally improves as well. Drinking plenty of fluids and having a warm mist humidifier also can help as well as prevent dry skin.

  • Spot the Pain: Pressure and pain around your forehead, cheeks, and eyes, often with stuffiness and tenderness.
  • Cause: Inflammation in your sinuses from allergies, infections, or blockages can cause this.
  • Treatment: Decongestants, saline sprays, steam inhalation, and treating underlying sinus issues can provide relief.

4) Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are relatively uncommon, but they are among the most severe types of headaches known to man. They persist in cycles or what is referred to as clusters and most often they will affect one particular side of the head. Sufferers of cluster headaches usually experience the pain as sharp or burning. These headaches can persist for weeks or months and most of the time are experienced during the same time of the day. The reason causes are not well known however managing the condition involves the use of oxygen and prescribed drugs.

  • Spot the Pain: Intense, piercing pain, usually around one eye or temple, occurring in clusters over a period.
  • Cause: We’re not sure, but it might have something to do with your hypothalamus and nerves.
  • Treatment: Oxygen therapy, certain medications, and nerve blocks can help manage these intense headaches.

5) TMJ Headaches

TMJ headaches are associated with disorders of temporomandibular joint (TMJ), through which your jaw articulates with the skull. These are accompanied by jaw tenderness, clicking sounds, or stiffs, and people often have a difficult time chewing. TMJ problems may be caused by stress, teeth, grinding, or jaw misalignment. The measures that eliminate these headaches’ cause can also be applied, for example, wearing a mouth guard or stress.

  • Spot the Pain: Pain in your jaw joint, often spreading to your temples, ears, and neck.
  • Cause: Grinding your teeth, jaw issues, or even arthritis can cause these.
  • Treatment: Mouthguards, jaw exercises, and stress management techniques can provide relief.

6) Neck Headaches

Neck headaches or cervicogenic headaches stem from the neck and spread to the head. They normally arise from desk jobs incorrect sitting and sleeping positions, neck injuries, and stress. It is normally located in the nape of the neck, over the sinuses, or at one side of the head. The primary care treatments that can help avoid or reduce neck headaches are physical therapy and correction of standing and sitting positions as well as relaxing methods.

  • Spot the Pain: Pain radiating from the neck to the head, usually due to neck problems.
  • Cause: Things like poor posture, injuries, or muscle strain can lead to neck headaches.
  • Treatment: Physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and neck exercises can help here.

7) Hormonal Headaches

Hormonal headaches are associated with fluctuations in levels of hormones especially in women. These headaches are most often experienced before or during a menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, or as a side effect of hormonal birth control. They can be felt like migraines, with the symptoms experienced, such as throbbing pain and light sensitivity. Dealing with these headaches can imply visualizing hormonal rhythms and reaching for professionals like DrPro.

  • Spot the Pain: These headaches often come with hormonal changes like menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause.
  • Cause: Fluctuating hormones, especially estrogen and progesterone, can be the culprit.
  • Treatment: Hormonal therapy, lifestyle changes, and managing stress can make a difference.

8) Stress Headaches

Stress headache are akin to tension headache only that the latter is primarily associated with high stress. It usually persists as a lingering, throbbing, and boring pain around your head most of the time. It is crucial to learn ways of avoiding this headache including stress management through exercise, practicing meditation, and ensuring adequate sleep. Additional advice in the field of stress and general health can be given by Wellness DrPro.

  • Spot the Pain: Dull, constant ache often felt during stressful times.
  • Cause: It’s your body’s reaction to stress, tension, and poor coping mechanisms.
  • Treatment: Relaxation techniques, regular exercise, and seeking support can help manage stress headache.


Neck pain is quite a universal plight, but it doesn’t need to dictate your every decision. Headache can be managed and prevented whenever you know the type of headache you are suffering from. Migraines are one of the most common health conditions, and understanding which signs you have and what causes your pain can ease your condition. If required, do not wait for someone to approach you to offer their expertise since it goes a long way. Just a reminder, health and wellness matters will always matter and DrPro is here for your service at any one stage.

Get back control over the headache and become healthier with Wellness DrPro. It is high time we join hands and try to bring the headache back to the lifeless category it once was.


Q1. What is the most common type of headache?

Tension is a type that is most frequent and often results from stress and poor posture.

Q2. How can I prevent migraines?

Some of the known measures include refraining from foods that cause flare, ensuring that you sleep at the appropriate period, and stress management.

Q3. What’s the difference between sinus headaches and migraines?

A sinus headache arises from sinusitis and has other nasal-related features while migraine commonly presents with nausea and photophobia.

Q4. Are cluster headaches treatable?

Of course, there is oxygen therapy and prescribed drugs that are capable of easing the pain.

Q5. Can stress cause headaches?

Absolutely. Thus, stress is a common cause of tension-stress headache.