Joining the Cause: Importance of Blood Donation

Joining the Cause: Introduction to the Importance of Blood Donation

People also need blood, especially in intense emergent circumstances, and blood donation is an incomparable hope gift. Even in the best of medical science, there is no replacement for human blood. Each drop counts and makes a big difference during insurgents, in treating emergencies, and as part and parcel of finding effective and lasting solutions to the chronic diseases affecting our society today. Thus, it might promote compassion and responsibility as key fabrics that allow communities to co-exist with the major aim of improving their health. Blood Donation also helps to maintain adequate preparedness of health care facilities for emerging unpredictable incidents. When people know and appreciate the value of blood donation, people are in a position to make a great contribution to a healthier and more compassionate society. At DrPro and Wellness DrPro, we also value the importance of this unselfish act as our organization’s way of contributing to the health of the community. Altogether, it means we can contribute to the lasting change.

Why Donate Blood?

How You Can Help?

1) Donate Regularly

This makes the fight easier and the best way to do it is by becoming a regular contributor to the charity. It is safe for healthy individuals to donate blood every ninety days. Regular Blood Donation ensures that blood banks remain stocked and ready for emergencies. By committing to this act, you directly contribute to saving lives.

2) Spread Awareness

Some of them have no idea that there is a daily demand for blood. Post facts, narrations, and information about Blood Donation to your network group of friends, families, and all the relevant social network groups. Partner with social media for louder communication of your message. DrPro are the organizations that promote Blood Donation campaigns to attract more like-minded people.

3) Organize Donation Drives

For those of you out there in the industry or companies, the schools, community organizations, and groups, consider doing a blood drive campaign. It should be done with the help of local blood banks or hospitals for it to be successful. They are a reunion of many for a mutual cause and make Blood Donation more central to the community. Blood donation and other related cause patronage are some of the wellness enhancement activities in which DrPro engages 


Donating blood is the true universal language that brings humanity together with one common goal in mind, saving lives. It also focuses on addressing the main healthcare deficits, enhances health durability to the donors, and increases the connection of community interdependency. Sustaining and increasing these giving acts are ripples that go far beyond the giver affecting patients and their families when they are most fragile. This activity also means compliance with the principles of ABS and contributes to the formation of stronger and more solidary communities. This way you can decide to be part of this noble cause, either by donating, spreading the word, or even organizing other drives. At DrPro, we advocate on behalf of Blood Donation as one of the pillars of health and wellness. With such motivation, everyone will have to pull their resources together and a relevant sense of compassion is use to guarantee that every patient in need has this product. Today we must choose to become donors and to give life through our donations, one time only.


Q1.Who can donate blood? 

Blood donation can be given by virtually all healthy adults between the age of 18-65 years and therefore should weigh at least 50 kg. It is, however, important to note that this, may vary depending on the country in question.

Q2.How often can I donate blood? 

Whole blood can be given every 12 weeks if one is a male, while if you are a female, you can donate whole blood every 16 weeks. It is possible that the time between platelet and plasma donation will not be similar.

Q3.Does Blood Donation hurt? 

The process is not at all painful, at worst it’s like a pinch when the needle is being insert. The process is noninvasive and usually does not last longer than 45 to 60 minutes.

Q4. Is Blood Donation safe during COVID-19? 

Yes, blood donation is safe. Due to the nature of the business, blood donation centers are clean, sanitized, and practicing social distancing.

Q5. What happens to the blood I donate? 

The blood is screen and then type, and then it is process into its elements. Red cells, platelets, and plasma which are store for use in medical operations and disasters such as accidents.